Brenda Walsh Ministries Website
Margie's Scripture Bookmark Examples

Dear Friends,

You can create Bible verse bookmarks in Microsoft Word. Make borders about the size of a bookmark, and insert bible texts in them. You can cut and paste using,, or use your own bible. You can usually fit 4 or 5 on a page. Leave some space at the top for decorating.

Here is a sample page in Microsoft Word:

Bookmark Template (32kb)

You can change the verse to any one that you would like. You can get as creative as you want with borders and colors, changing the color of the font as well.

After printing the pages, you will need to get some things to decorate them with. We use stickers, pictures from seed/flower catalogs, used greeting cards, etc. After decorating, you need to laminate them. You can purchase laminating paper at craft stores. For the top, use clear laminating paper. For the back use contact paper. You don't need a laminating machine. We use our hands. It's like making a sandwich. You peal the contact paper and put it on the table sticky side up. Then you put your bookmark page that you already decorated onto the contact paper. Then you cut your clear a little bigger than what you are laminating and center it over the bookmark page. This if after you took the paper side off from the clear. What I like to do is when I'm holding the clear is to with my hands hold the clear in a u shape so when I center it over the bookmark page I drop it onto the bookmarks and still holding the clear I can roll the clear to one side and then the other. What I suggest to you is to just practice the last step with just plain paper so you can get the idea of how to hold the clear.

The first two steps are the easiest. Once you get the hang of putting on the clear it will be a snap. It may take making some mistakes at first but don't worry this isn't rocket science. After your done take a piece of cloth and just rub the top piece to smooth out. Then cut out along the outside of the black line of the bookmarks. Your scissors will get sticky and you can clean them with WD-40 or finger nail polish. If you use your computer to make bookmarks the paper isn't too thick. So I would take your finished bookmark page, this is before you decorate it, and go to the office store and print off onto heavier weight paper to make the bookmarks to have more weight. At this point you can copy onto colored paper too. You can be as creative as you want to be. Use glue sticks to decorate your bookmarks. They work best.

I hope this information helps you in your interest in making bookmarks and spreading the word of God and sharing his Love to the world.

God Bless.


Marjorie (Holden) Leach

Listen to Brenda tell the story of "Margi's Bookmarks"

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