Brenda Walsh Ministries Website

Daily Devotion


Living Without Regret

Too many of us look back over our lives with sadness and regret, wishing that we had done things differently. If only we had done this, or if only we hadn't done that, then our lives would have turned out better. It is human nature, when faced with difficult circumstances, to react out of emotion without weighing everything out. Anytime we have a knee-jerk response, there is a high probability that we will regret it, especially if we hadn't had time to get all the facts. Many times when we hear the whole story, our eyes are opened and we feel bad that we did or said the things we did. But there is a way to live without regrets, and that is to walk with Jesus. Allow God to lead, guide, and direct; and we won't have to worry about if we are doing the right thing or not. Before responding in anger or forming opinions based on limited information, stop and pray about it. Ask God for discernment and wisdom, and don't forget to ask Him for an extra portion of His love, so that in all situations, you can respond in a Christ-like manner. With God in command of our lives, we can live without regrets. Text: Romans 12:2, Isaiah 30:18, Ephesians 2:10 © Brenda Walsh Ministries

© 2024 Brenda Walsh Ministries

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New Devotional Book by Brenda Walsh 2019

Strength for Today - Devotional Book

In today’s fast-paced world, many Christians find it challenging to spend time alone with God. They are often too tired, too busy, or too stressed to make time for spiritual food. And yet, it is our relationship with God that sustains, strengthens, and empowers us to accomplish great things! These devotions were written specifically to take just one minute to bring you into the presence of God. You’re sure to be blessed as you read each inspiring message.

Call: (865) 776-4908

Moments with God - Devotional Book

One-minute daily devotions to encourage, inspire, and spiritually change your life.

This daily devotional book by Brenda Walsh, is filled with timeless inspirational messages that you can read from cover to cover or use the index to choose a topic that speaks to your life for that day. Each page flows with encouragement, hope, and love that will lift your heart toward heaven.

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