Real compassion is putting your caring into action. It's much more than sympathy or concern. Feeling sorry for someone when you can see them hurting is one thing, but doing something about it, is compassion. When Jesus was here on earth, His heart was full of compassion. He reached out to all those who were hurting, He didn't just pass a beggar on the street and say, oh, that's sad. No! He did something about it. Sometimes it's as simple as just being there, letting someone know you care. A simple smile or word of encouragement, other times, may be reaching into your pocket to help financially. Pray and ask God to put compassion in your heart for others, and ask Him to guide and direct how you should show it. Open your eyes and look around you and you'll see a world filled with hurting people. Ask yourself, what can I do to help make someone's life a little better? Text: 1 Peter 4:10, Galatians 6:2, Acts 20:35, James 2:8 © Brenda Walsh Ministries
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In today’s fast-paced world, many Christians find it challenging to spend time alone with God. They are often too tired, too busy, or too stressed to make time for spiritual food. And yet, it is our relationship with God that sustains, strengthens, and empowers us to accomplish great things! These devotions were written specifically to take just one minute to bring you into the presence of God. You’re sure to be blessed as you read each inspiring message.
One-minute daily devotions to encourage, inspire, and spiritually change your life.
This daily devotional book by Brenda Walsh, is filled with timeless inspirational messages that you can read from cover to cover or use the index to choose a topic that speaks to your life for that day. Each page flows with encouragement, hope, and love that will lift your heart toward heaven.